
Blaq Poet New Album Coming June 2011

Blaq Poet is working on his new album entitled Blaq Poet Society, produced by Stu-Bangas and Vanderslice. It should be out on June 21st 2011. Here is the first extract: Hood Talk

Blaq Poet travaille sur son nouvel album qui s'intitulera Blaq Poet Society. La date de sortie est pour le moment fixée au 21 Juin 2011. Voici le 1er extrait: Hood Talk

Nowa płyta Legendy QB Blaq Poet p.t. Blaq Poet Society powinna być dostępna od 21. czerwca. Oto pierwszy kawałek: Hood Talk

While waiting for Poet album let's go back to his very first tracks!
Grand retour en arrière avec les premiers morceaux de Blaq Poet (en attendant l'album)
25 lat temu: pierwsze piosenki Blaq Poeta!

The Wopp Sensation (1986)
Beat You Down (1987)
All Hell Breakin' Loose (1987)
Taking You Out (1988)

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